
28 mai 2011

Mănăstirea Bănceni din Ucraina

Vă invit să priviţi acest fişier video care vă va impresiona până la lacrimi! Un părinte român din Ucraina, Părintele Mihail, are grijă de 140 de copii orfani, unii având şi handicap! Cred că şi cei mai împietriţi vor fi înmuiaţi de aceşti copilaşi!



27 mai 2011

How to stop eating too much

Someone told me how in his youth have unrestrained appetite for food: nor leave the table, something that again would be wolf. Began to take proportions. And he was constantly hungry. A faithful woman said this: "Give some food to a poor man before you eat." This man did so, and the next day ... surprise! He ate less and was satiated, as before!

I found it very useful that the real story, especially since the demon womb troubles nowadays many people struggling, while others die of starvation ...
The act of mercy brings the Holy Spirit into our body and soul, and the Holy Spirit banishes the demons of the passions that struggle us