
25 aprilie 2010

Scripture reading

I remember a sermon of Father Irineu Curtescu from Antim Monastery, in a Sunday evening. Father said that it is not good to read the newspapers, which contain more gossip, or to look at news. The best would be to read the Scripture daily. Father said: "There, in the Bible, God, our daddy, speaks us, and what could be more interesting and more beautiful on this world? How to let your daddy for some news that if it really counts, anyway you will hear from the others? "

And really, what could be more beautiful than to read the history of God's love for people? Gospels are true balm for wounded souls, for those who wander among the temptations

We are all running after happiness

Only God gives the full and true happiness.

Who avoids Him, it will not be happy either here or in eternity. God proposes a moral life, harmony. Those that remain opaque will understand too late that they have wasted days, they lived in vain. A person without the existence of God means a miss. I wrote about happiness, practical tips how to get to it. Now I just made some remarks referring to those who lead a parallel life with God and run after sinful pleasures, believing they would find such happiness.

Mihaela Runceanu sang a song: "Happiness has your face." She sings to a man, but for us Christians, "Happiness has your face", of God.

20 aprilie 2010

People feel more and more alone...

People feel alone because they no longer have eyes to see the persons next to them. They are so busy to see themselves that they can’t see the tears on the cheeks of the poor or sick. Only those who help feel fulfilled. You should not expect to be loved. God's commandment was to love, not to be loved. If we love, we can change something. First of all, we can change ourselves, then the others. Only love heals wounds and high souls. I know and feel that everyone has good parts. It depends of us, through Christian love, to develop that well early in the souls of the others.

Only when we come out of ourselves to love and help the others we’ll get to rest the soul. Otherwise, we are only kids of 30, 40, 50 ... 90 years. Not the years passing makes us mature, but the love. Love in Christ.

17 aprilie 2010

Why we have no right to judge the others

Many give their opinion and judge the various sinners. They say: "I would not have done something in its place." But each person is unique, and hence the intensity of feelings and motivations. So I can't know what felt someone else when he did something that I judge to be bad. And, because I can't know what he felt, I can't judge objectively. Only someone who knows the full context of the facts can judge. And that person is only God who knows man's thoughts and feelings. And God 's judgement is not passionate, like ours, is the only truly objective judgement.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. "(Gospel of John 3, 16-17). Now is the time when God is trying to save people. After each one's death, the particular judgement, each respond of his actions. But we humans judge ahead of time